Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011


Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) is one of the animal in Austrlia. Koala is a marsupial. Koala name was from Australians which meaning "not drink". In reality, koala drink water but just sometime because their food is ekaliptus's leaf, which was contain water enough, so koala don't need go down from the tree for drinking.

Koala is very funny, it has grey fur with black nose. Their fur is very soft and thick. It has big ears and the long hand and foot to help they climb the tree. Koala always sleep on the ekaliptus tree, it has claw that sharply. Koala always spend their day with sleep on the tree, about 18 hours in a day.

It weight about 14 kg for the big male koala and about 5 kg for the small female koala.The koala is one of the few mammals (other than primates) that has fingerprints. Koala fingerprints are similar to human fingerprints; even with an electron microscope, it can be quite difficult to distinguish between the two.

Although there are 600 ekaliptus's birches in Australia, but koala only eat 35 types of all. Koala can't live in rampant place. Ekaliptus is special place to koala living. Ekaliptus also is special food for koala. Because, ekaliptus contains many chemical that dangerously for the other animals. Just koala that can eat the ekaliptus's leaf.

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

Harry Potter

Many movies in this world. From the horror movie, mystery, comedy, action, heroic, and other else. One example of the mystery movie is Harry Potter. Harry Potter is one of the interesting and fantastic movie in this world. The writer of Harry Potter movie is J.K. Rowling.

As we know, that the Harry Potter movie told about the magic story. There is a boy, his name is Harry Potter. He school in the Hogwarts magic school. Harry Potter has two friends, their name are Ron Wesley and Hermione Granger. Ron is a crazy boy with stupid thinking but he also a good boy. Meanwhile, Hermione is a good, clever, and beautiful girl.

Harry Potter also has a big enemy, his name is Lord Voldemort. Voldemort is a human who has a magical power, and he always want to destroy the Hogwarts. I think, he hasn't normal nose like the other person, right ?

Harry Potter movie has seven parts. This are lists of the Harry Potter movies :
1. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Rabu, 28 September 2011


Sakura merupakan bunga nasional Jepang yang mekar pada musim semi, yaitu sekitar awal April hingga akhir April. Sakura dapat terlihat di mana-mana di Jepang, bunga ini merupakan simbol penting yang kerap kali diasosiasikan dengan perempuan, kehidupan, kematian, serta juga merupakan simbol untuk mengeksperesikan ikatan antarmanusia, keberanian, kesedihan, dan kegembiraan. 

Pohon sakura adalah salah satu pohon yang tergolong dalam famili Rosaceae, genus Prunus sejenis dengan pohon prem, persik, atau aprikot, tetapi secara umum sakura digolongkan dalam subgenus sakura. Asal-usul kata "sakura" adalah kata "saku" (bahasa Jepang, untuk "mekar") ditambah akhiran yang menyatakan bentuk jamak "ra". Dalam bahasa Inggris, bunga sakura disebut cherry blossoms.

Warna bunga tergantung pada spesiesnya, ada yang berwarna putih dengan sedikit warna merah jambu, kuning muda, merah jambu, hijau muda atau merah menyala.

Pohon sakura berbunga setahun sekali, di pulau Honshu, kuncup bunga sakura jenis someiyoshino mulai terlihat di akhir musim dingin dan bunganya mekar di akhir bulan Maret sampai awal bulan April di saat cuaca mulai hangat.
Di Jepang, mekarnya sakura jenis someiyoshino dimulai dari Okinawa di bulan Februari, dilanjutkan di pulau Honshu bagian sebelah barat, sampai di Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto pada sekitar akhir Maret sampai awal April, lalu bergerak sedikit demi sedikit ke utara, dan berakhir di Hokkaido di saat liburan Golden Week.

Ciri Khas
Ciri khas sakura jenis someiyoshino adalah bunganya yang lebih dahulu mekar sebelum daun-daunnya mulai keluar. Puluhan, ratusan, bahkan ribuan batang pohon yang berada di lokasi yang sama, bunganya mulai mekar secara serentak dan rontok satu per satu pada saat yang hampir bersamaan.
Bunga sakura jenis someiyoshino hanya dapat bertahan kurang lebih 7 sampai 10 hari dihitung mulai dari kuncup bunga terbuka hingga bunga mulai rontok. Rontoknya bunga sakura tergantung pada keadaan cuaca dan sering dipercepat oleh hujan lebat dan angin kencang. 

Bunga dari pohon jenis yamazakura mekar lebih lambat dibandingkan jenis someiyoshino dan bunganya mekar bersamaan dengan keluarnya daun-daun muda.

  • Edohigan
Edohigan adalah sakura yang mekar di Hari Ekuinoks Musim Semi dan bunganya paling panjang umur. Jenis-jenis lain yang serupa dengan edohigan adalah ishiwarizakura dan yamadakashinyozakura yang termasuk pohon sakura yang dilindungi. Miharutakizakura adalah salah satu jenis edohigan yang rantingnya menjuntai-juntai, sedangkan yaebenishidare dikenal daun bunganya yang banyak dan warnanya yang cerah.
  • Hikanzakura
Hikanzakura atau disebut juga kanhizakura adalah sakura yang tersebar mulai dari wilayah Tiongkok bagian selatan sampai ke Pulau Formosa. Kanhizakura banyak ditemukan tumbuh liar di Prefektur Okinawa. Bagi orang Okinawa, kata "sakura" sering berarti hikansakura. Pengumuman mekarnya bunga sakura di Okinawa biasanya berarti mekarnya hikanzakura. Di Okinawa, kuncup bunga hikanzakura mulai terbuka sekitar bulan Januari atau Februari. Di Pulau Honshu, hikanzakura banyak ditanam mulai dari wilayah Kanto sampai ke Kyushu dan biasanya mulai mekar sekitar bulan Februari atau Maret.
  • Shidarezakura
  • Fuyuzakura
Fuyuzakura (sakura musim dingin) adalah jenis pohon sakura yang bunganya mekar sekitar bulan November sampai akhir bulan Desember. Onishimachi di Prefektur Gunma adalah tempat melihat fuyuzakura yang terkenal.

Selasa, 27 September 2011

The Click Five - Jenny

She calls me baby, then she won't call me.
Says she adores me and then ignores me.
Jenny, what's the problem?
She keeps her distance and sits on fences.
Puts up resistance and builds defenses.

Jenny, what's the problem?
You leave me hanging on the line.
Every time you change your mind.

First You say you won't, then you say you will.
You keep me hanging on, and we're not moving on.
I"m standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.
Jenny, it's killing me.

She needs her own space. She's playing mind games.
Ends up at my place saying that she's changed.
Jenny, what's the problem?
I'm trying to read between the lines.
You got me going out of my mind.

First, you say you won't, then you say you will.
You keep me hanging on, and we're not moving on.
I'm standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.
Jenny, it's killing me. It's killing me. It's killing me.

First, you say you won't, then you say you will.
You keep me hanging on, and we're not moving on.
I'm standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.

First, you say you won't, then you say you will.
You keep me hanging on, and we're not moving on.
I'm standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.
Jenny. It's killing me. It's killing me. Jenny.